Joining Farly over at
Oh' Boy 4th grade for Currently!
Listening to college basketball, DUH, best sport ever, and my Fiancee is the biggest college fan ever I pretty sure! Loving my student teaching, going so well! Thinking that I should be planning because I now have complete control of the classroom, YIKES! Wanting a new car because mine is old and really think I deserve a early graduation present! Needing to look for those o so many jobs, ((sarcastic tone)). And my name is Jenna so I love me some bling bling so put jewels, love me some jelly beans, and hate those jumping jacks!! Love to exercise just hate those! :)
Student teaching is going REALLY well! My teacher is really awesome, and I have learned so much from her! We have been working on a unit on the Iditarod and we will be following our mushers along as they progress through the race! These second graders are awesome, I couldn't have asked for a better class!! We are starting a science unit after our spring break, which is next week, we have same as college because we live Bloomington, IN home of the HOOSIERS, which are number one by the way.... ANYWAY as I was saying, we will be planting peas! The kids are so excited! I am also beginning a writing workshop unit on small moments!!