Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hey guys!

Getting more things to teach as my student teaching is getting farther along. I have second graders  I am now teaching Science, Math, and 2 big units.  The big units are the Iditarod, which I think I'm going to talk about Alaska also. The other unit is about Global Awareness, the teachers got a grant from our city to buy books and fund a field trip for this one, we got three books If the World Were a Village, A Life Like Mine and Material World: A Global Family Portrait

For the Iditarod unit the second grade team is inviting a speaker from the community who used to be a teacher at this school and did the Iditarod Teacher on the Trail Program. She wrote the book The Double Life of an Alaskan Sled Dog. She is amazing!!  She is coming in to do a presentation,every Tuesday in February and then in our individual classrooms we will also be teaching it.

Do you teach the Iditarod or global awareness in your classroom?? Love to hear!
