Thursday, May 2, 2013


PHEW! Student teaching is DONE DONE DONE! I can't believe it!!! Tuesday was my last day and it was so sad to say goodbye to those kids! They were very concerned that I was leaving and said I should teach them 3rd grade- they are 2nd graders. Well didn't that just melt my heart!!! They brought in books for my classroom and my supervising teacher made me a shutterfly photo book... tear... tear.... She is the best ever, I couldn't have asked for a better class! They truly helped me become a better teacher.

On to Currently.... Link up with Farly! 



  1. Congrats on finishing student teaching!! Good luck on finding a job!
    Third Grade Tidbits

  2. Congratulations on finishing student teaching. I student taught in first grade but second graders are fun, too. Good luck with finding a job. It's a tough market out there!

  3. Best of luck on your job hunt! I am currently hunting on moving closer to home. My first job hunt was rough! I WISH YOU LUCK! Stay positive.

    Second Grade Nest
